20 March 2009

That Friday feeling

It's the end of the week at last, after five days of what has been mind-numbing boredom oddly combined with time whizzing past really quickly. I'm looking forward to the weekend as the sun is still shining, but I don't really know what plans we've got for it. Boy watching may well feature heavily, and maybe a little trip to Popstarz tonight, we shall have to see…

I've really wanted to go and try out Boogaloo Stu's new night called Pop Kraft on a Thursday (which has replaced Creamy Fingers, which replaced Boogaloo), but we keep laming out at the last minute. Last night was no exception, so that's three weeks in a row we've missed. It's just so hard to go when you work full time though! One or both of us is usually tired from our Thursday at work, and the prospect of a Friday feeling sick at my desk is becoming less and less appealing as I get older. Maybe next week…? Who knows. I'm suspicious that no photos of the last three weeks of it have appeared on Facebook though, leading me to believe that maybe it wasn't that busy…

Oh yes, and in other news I've decided not to sign up for that creative writing course. The deadline is tomorrow, and I've not done it yet, so I just don't think it's going to happen. In the end it came down to whether I wanted to spend £155 on it, and I decided I couldn't really justify it if I'm meant to be saving up to buy a flat.

So never mind. I'm still quite interested in trying to write a novel one day, and I think they run this course every six months or so, so I could always sign up next time around. And I've saved £155 (sort of), which is good! Now how can I get away with spending that on a Blackberry, hmmm…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I say get the Crackberry, sod the course but buy a book on how to write a novel (or just start writing one) keep saving for the flat & go out Thursday nights but just don't overdo it - nobody lay on their deathbed feeling really glad that they spent most evenings in so they wouldn't feel too rough at work the next day.